Magazine féminin, tout sur la beauté

Confidentielles, c’est le site féminin pour tout savoir sur la crème de la beauté : au programme, les dernières tendances décryptées, des conseils beauté pour un minois radieux, des tutos pour des soins maison faciles à réaliser, mais aussi des fiches produits cosmétiques testées par la rédaction. Soins du visage, soins des cheveux, soins du corps, maquillage : tout pour prendre soin de soi des pieds à la tête !

Tout savoir sur le prénom :


Genre : Masculin (Garçon)
Catégorie : Rare, Court
Tendance sur 10 ans : Augmentation
Origine du prénom : Biblique
Statistiques depuis 1900 - depuis 50 ans - depuis 20 ans - depuis 10 ans
Depuis 1900, 300 enfants ont été prénommés TIMON dont 300 depuis 1950.
Le maximum a été atteint en 2004 avec 24 naissances
Nombre de naissances

Caractéristiques du prénom TIMON

TIMON est :
  • plus Actif que la moyenne
  • plus Optimiste que la moyenne
  • plus Ordonné que la moyenne
  • moins Généreux que la moyenne
  • aussi Réfléchi que la moyenne
  • plus Drôle que la moyenne
Vous connaissez un TIMON
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Couleur préférée des TIMON : le Vert

Chiffre préféré des TIMON : le 3

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Elle et lui ça fait ...
& Timon

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2 commentaires
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howdy mum I'm upstairs and then after I had said that I tghuoht to myself that I didn't hear the door open or the dogs bark so I went downstairs and she wasn't home. There have been other instances where I will be by myself and will hear my name. Also, I was getting into my car, closed the door and heard a voice say hey and I looked in my backseat which is where the noise originated from and no one was there and the windows weren't open. I've just been having what seems like minor experiences but they've been happening more often and very randomly. The last experience is something that I'm pretty sure is a medical issue but with the other experiences happening more frequently and moving from noises to voices I can assume the experiences could progress to physical symptoms like what I'm feeling now for the past two days I have been getting headaches off and on. I never get headaches and if I do they are very mild and go away quickly, but I've been getting this painful headache that comes and goes multiple times throughout the day and it's intermittent and very random depending on where I am so this is why I think it's medical. I’ve also noticed that since I was young there are buildings or houses that I feel very uneasy in and I can never pinpoint why. I’ve never seen anything while in these locations but I feel uneasy and uncomfortable or I often feel scared and anxious. I don’t know what any of this is and I don’t really know anyone who is a sensitive that can help me understand any of this so I was hoping to get some answers as to what has been happening. I’ve been under the assumption that if you’re a sensitive, you were born with the ability or you’re abilities have been known since you were young and the experiences I have been having have started after I was 18 (except for feeling uneasy in certain buildings and houses, I have been like that all my life). Anyone have any insight?
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Khira Li
mon petit frere s'apel timo et déjà on le chanbre avec son nom on lui dit "timon et pumba" alors j'imagine meme pas comment on peu apelé son enfant timon!
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