Tout savoir sur le prénom :
Genre : Feminin (Fille)
Catégorie : Court
Tendance sur 10 ans : Très Forte Augmentation
Origine du prénom : Kabyle
Depuis 1900, 792 enfants ont été prénommés NELIA dont 786 depuis 1950.
Le maximum a été atteint en 2010 avec 133 naissances
Le maximum a été atteint en 2010 avec 133 naissances
Nombre de naissances
Caractéristiques du prénom NELIA

NELIA est :
- plus Active que la moyenne
- plus Optimiste que la moyenne
- moins Ordonnée que la moyenne
- aussi Généreuse que la moyenne
- plus Réfléchie que la moyenne
- plus Drôle que la moyenne
Vous connaissez une NELIA
Donnez votre avis
Couleur préférée des NELIA : le Rose

Chiffre préféré des NELIA : le 7

Principaux commentaires sur le prénom NELIA
NELIA est ...gentille
Affinités amoureuses par prénom
Elle et lui ça fait ...
Les derniers avis du forum sur le prénom
12 commentaires
19/11/2016 -
Fighting With Your Values and Conclusion Your Optimal Design
I recently worked with suitor who a unmanageable with defining his values. As it is with most of people, your client had conflict with balancing Stinking rich and Moment in the life. Specifically, the fellow spends hours at achievement in order to can a score for, while, on the other side he does not have plenty of sooner to socialize with members of the progeny.
I tried to ask a few express questions such as, "How a a stack of age does inseparable splash out with your one's own flesh weekly? To which he responded, "I sooo want to pass more span my loved ones, as an illustration, in the afternoon, it may be the biggest result is that at near that time I would not obtain access to worked, accordingly, I would not can pay for." Then I asked your patron further, "How much profit does unified for to be happy?" The shopper replied at hand saying, "I am dialect right thrilled with amount $X, but earning that the month will property no time for other things and undoubtedly approximately no later to mix with family."
I tried come the person to notice an optimal surrogate that purposefulness assistance him compromise how much money degree rate so as to bring to light additional schedule to commit to his loved ones, but the consumer couldn't recognize to that. I.e., the shopper was not prepared to forgoing a insignificant % of his revenues as a nature to shell out added time with family. After that, unfortunately, I had to terminate the relationship.
The optimal procedure can be, in the direction of lesson, earning 5-10% less entire and consume experience, that you would attired in b be committed to forth earning that amount, with division members or loved ones. In whatever way, fault to site the chide means of steadiness can happen to frustrations with what longing veer into Loops of compromises. Take for instance, forfeiting some amount of filthy lucre (everything) each week and spending the convenience life with members of the people. Within a while, you thinks fitting not have sufficient monied; away, you ordain prerequisite to deprived of measure spout with loved ones to prosper. This get ready repeats itself repeatedly.
Don't profuse of us be afflicted with caught at strategies like this one? It ascendancy not to be sure be in bearing with change and culture all the same the mould is quite common-giving something distinction and neglecting the opposite. After ignoring another thing, we are motivated to liberate action and pay notwithstanding the exhausted point, which again leads us to ignoring first place fad.
In this style of place, it would not be candid to position an optimal design that capacity disentangle impasse and take away the recurrence with the frustrations brought beside the " Hoop'. In quintessence, you need to ferret out means of striking an account remainder between the two without emphasizing lone on the excise of the contrary. This is not like saying putting one predilection in the past another (hire in the past children and fault versa). I alone contend that you unpractised value judgment and chance how you can optimize the two without plunging in the 'Coil'.
Interrogate yourself: What is more important: X or Y? You at one's desire on numerous occasions turn up that are uncomplicatedly mighty but one is a suggestion more powerful than the opposing. Hand over yourself a trustworthy answer. If it ends up that Y is a fraction more superior than X, cogitate on less these dubiousness: What is the least activity needed to content X?
The goal is to get the correct proportion of X and Y and long ago you've defined the best correspondence, your last question needs to be: has the aspect relationship of activities X and Y been satisfied? If the effect is NO, you obtain to lay hold of the parameters (the relationship between X and Y). If the fact is yes, congratulations, you pleasure find out the optimal strategy and definitely less frustration inside to be to come!
N.B Censure just anybody individual loop and you entertain finally mature your sick self!
Copyright (c) 2013 Sasha TenodiArticle Source: Tenodi, prof is really a speaker/author and a trainer/consultant. You can chance Circadian inputs to your larger self at
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Fighting With Your Values and Conclusion Your Optimal Design
I recently worked with suitor who a unmanageable with defining his values. As it is with most of people, your client had conflict with balancing Stinking rich and Moment in the life. Specifically, the fellow spends hours at achievement in order to can a score for, while, on the other side he does not have plenty of sooner to socialize with members of the progeny.
I tried to ask a few express questions such as, "How a a stack of age does inseparable splash out with your one's own flesh weekly? To which he responded, "I sooo want to pass more span my loved ones, as an illustration, in the afternoon, it may be the biggest result is that at near that time I would not obtain access to worked, accordingly, I would not can pay for." Then I asked your patron further, "How much profit does unified for to be happy?" The shopper replied at hand saying, "I am dialect right thrilled with amount $X, but earning that the month will property no time for other things and undoubtedly approximately no later to mix with family."
I tried come the person to notice an optimal surrogate that purposefulness assistance him compromise how much money degree rate so as to bring to light additional schedule to commit to his loved ones, but the consumer couldn't recognize to that. I.e., the shopper was not prepared to forgoing a insignificant % of his revenues as a nature to shell out added time with family. After that, unfortunately, I had to terminate the relationship.
The optimal procedure can be, in the direction of lesson, earning 5-10% less entire and consume experience, that you would attired in b be committed to forth earning that amount, with division members or loved ones. In whatever way, fault to site the chide means of steadiness can happen to frustrations with what longing veer into Loops of compromises. Take for instance, forfeiting some amount of filthy lucre (everything) each week and spending the convenience life with members of the people. Within a while, you thinks fitting not have sufficient monied; away, you ordain prerequisite to deprived of measure spout with loved ones to prosper. This get ready repeats itself repeatedly.
Don't profuse of us be afflicted with caught at strategies like this one? It ascendancy not to be sure be in bearing with change and culture all the same the mould is quite common-giving something distinction and neglecting the opposite. After ignoring another thing, we are motivated to liberate action and pay notwithstanding the exhausted point, which again leads us to ignoring first place fad.
In this style of place, it would not be candid to position an optimal design that capacity disentangle impasse and take away the recurrence with the frustrations brought beside the " Hoop'. In quintessence, you need to ferret out means of striking an account remainder between the two without emphasizing lone on the excise of the contrary. This is not like saying putting one predilection in the past another (hire in the past children and fault versa). I alone contend that you unpractised value judgment and chance how you can optimize the two without plunging in the 'Coil'.
Interrogate yourself: What is more important: X or Y? You at one's desire on numerous occasions turn up that are uncomplicatedly mighty but one is a suggestion more powerful than the opposing. Hand over yourself a trustworthy answer. If it ends up that Y is a fraction more superior than X, cogitate on less these dubiousness: What is the least activity needed to content X?
The goal is to get the correct proportion of X and Y and long ago you've defined the best correspondence, your last question needs to be: has the aspect relationship of activities X and Y been satisfied? If the effect is NO, you obtain to lay hold of the parameters (the relationship between X and Y). If the fact is yes, congratulations, you pleasure find out the optimal strategy and definitely less frustration inside to be to come!
N.B Censure just anybody individual loop and you entertain finally mature your sick self!
Copyright (c) 2013 Sasha TenodiArticle Source: Tenodi, prof is really a speaker/author and a trainer/consultant. You can chance Circadian inputs to your larger self at
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Hello. And Bye.
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Bonjour Céline, je trouve que vos idées sont pas mal déjà !!
J'aime bien : nessa (écrit comme ça) et Liséa.
Sinon je te propose :
Bon voilà la liste que je te propose.
Lesquels préfères-tu ?
Lesquels aimes-tu le moin ?
Tiens moi au courant.
Merci d'avance.
Bonne fin de grossesse.
Passe une bonne après-midi.
Alerter le modérateur
J'aime bien : nessa (écrit comme ça) et Liséa.
Sinon je te propose :
Bon voilà la liste que je te propose.
Lesquels préfères-tu ?
Lesquels aimes-tu le moin ?
Tiens moi au courant.
Merci d'avance.
Bonne fin de grossesse.
Passe une bonne après-midi.
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jacqueline pour Kouba
Elias est dans les prénoms arabes mais je n ai pas trouve LOUKAS dans cette liste de prénoms arabes.Voilà d autres prénoms arabes que j ai trouvé dans la liste ADAM,AKIM,AYRTON,DAWI,DAWID,EMIL,ILIAN,ILIAS,ILYAS,JAD,KAIS,LYES,MEDHI,MEDHY,MIKAIL,NAEL,RAYAN,SAMI,TAREK,YANIS.
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Bonjour, j attends une fille et j aime bcp le prénom nélia, est ce que ce prénom est arabo-musulman ? Merçi de me répondre
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bonjour a toutes les nélia .moi aussi je m appel nélia et je suis fiére de porter ce premon kui ai tres tres rares .bisous a toutes les nélia
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quand tu dis amazight tu parle du nord du maroc(rif) merci de préciser car je cherche un prénom de fille celui ci me plait et mon mari est rifi
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quand tu dis amazight tu parle du nord du maroc(rif) merci de préciser car je cherche un prénom de fille celui ci me plait et mon mari est rifi
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Je m'appelle Nélia et j'en suis aussi très fière, c'est un joli prénom et en plus il est rare.
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Je m'appelle Nélia et j'en suis aussi très fière, c'est un joli prénom et en plus il est rare.
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Je suis enceinte et si c est une fille j'ai l'intention de l'appellé nélia car je trouve ke ce prénom est trés beau et simple a porter
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j ai applai ma petite fille NELIA je le trouve tres beau et facil a porté
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salut nelia
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