Tout savoir sur le prénom :
Depuis 1900, 215 enfants ont été prénommés ANGELITA dont 197 depuis 1950.
Le maximum a été atteint en 1967 avec 24 naissances
Le maximum a été atteint en 1967 avec 24 naissances
Caractéristiques du prénom ANGELITA
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Chiffre préféré des ANGELITA : indéterminé
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2 commentaires
Freedom of religion is at risk much like the right to vote was at risk until the Voting Rights Act was pasesd in 1965. The constitution provided the right to vote to ALL citizens, but that right for Blacks was threatened with the use of violence and fear, literacy tests, poll taxes, etc. The Voting Rights Act was pasesd to insure that all citizens could exercise their constitutional right to vote.Similarly, the constitution provides that we are all free to practice whatever religion we choose, or not practice any at all. We need a new act, perhaps a Right to Worship Act to insure that relgion can be practiced how, when, and where we want to without protest like is occurring in New York and around the country among the ranks of the ill-informed. Of course the right is in the constitution like voting is, but some people are too ignorant to realize or respect that and need further laws to educate them.
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