Tout savoir sur le prénom :
Depuis 1900, 16 enfants ont été prénommés MEISSA dont 16 depuis 1950.
Le maximum a été atteint en 2008 avec 5 naissances
Le maximum a été atteint en 2008 avec 5 naissances
Caractéristiques du prénom MEISSA
MEISSA est :
Vous connaissez un MEISSA
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Couleur préférée des MEISSA : indéterminé
Chiffre préféré des MEISSA : indéterminé
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Elle et lui ça fait ...
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3 commentaires
In Oz, Orion features in our surmems skies The mid winter solstice is matched with a lovely zenith 12 am.A really good point that most people do not understand is that when a constellation rises or sets on a given time it rises and sets the same time that night for all us residence minus that almost imperceptible 1/365th over an entire day.If orion rises at 6 pm (real time) in Sydney, then it will rise at 6pm over Johannesburg etx etc. Its a good place to really start messing with the heads of the punters in pointing out that winter/summer etc You see the entire sky every night between the autumn and spring equinoxes provided the means you use to stay awake isnt intoxicating. The night sky is enough.Pointing people to in which direction the planet, moon and system planets spin and rotate is a good party trick showing them gathers much kudos harumphing and despising from the remnant culture we used to call astrologers .So what happens with scorpio when people who are scorpios are born? Hmmm interesting and which one is scorpio? A great astrologer deflater.The one trick to hook them in is pointing out to a young person that a full moon really is mentally magnified because there is no frame of reference when observing it. Get them to look at the full moon through a drinking straw.Telescope free astronomy.. doing what we have been doing for tens of thousands of years.
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Meïssa est un prénom féminin et non masculin
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Meïssa est un prénom féminin et non masculin
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