Magazine féminin, tout sur la beauté

Confidentielles, c’est le site féminin pour tout savoir sur la crème de la beauté : au programme, les dernières tendances décryptées, des conseils beauté pour un minois radieux, des tutos pour des soins maison faciles à réaliser, mais aussi des fiches produits cosmétiques testées par la rédaction. Soins du visage, soins des cheveux, soins du corps, maquillage : tout pour prendre soin de soi des pieds à la tête !

Tout savoir sur le prénom :


Genre : Masculin (Garçon)
Catégorie : Très Rare
Tendance sur 10 ans : Stable
Origine du prénom : Italien
Statistiques depuis 1900 - depuis 50 ans - depuis 20 ans - depuis 10 ans
Depuis 1900, 15 enfants ont été prénommés CAMILLO dont 15 depuis 1950.
Le maximum a été atteint en 1972 avec 3 naissances

Caractéristiques du prénom CAMILLO

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Couleur préférée des CAMILLO : indéterminé

Chiffre préféré des CAMILLO : indéterminé

Principaux commentaires sur le prénom CAMILLO

Affinités amoureuses par prénom

Elle et lui ça fait ...
& Camillo

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1 commentaire
Awww, so nice to see the whole history of the famliy on the tree. My mother decided when we kids have moved out, to decorate the tree to her taste and that is with red balls and white porcelain decorations. Now that Leonie exists she hangs some sweets into the tree when Kai's famliy comes over or in this year's case, Kai drops her off. It's not a great Christmas year for my parents. Kai will drop her off on the 27th for a few days and the rest of the famliy isn't coming over on any of the real holy days. I'm not at my parents for the first time in my life I have akute Bronchitis and that since the 30th of November and in spite of getting antibiotics for the bacteria influence you can see in my sputum. To be honest, I'm quite glad I'm home this year really put me through the wringer emotionally (a lot of it based on my evaluation and the way my boss dealt with that) getting me the nearest to depression I have been since my eye problems started in 2009 (THAT is actually much better, it has not opened for more than half a year now, and it's never been closed that long since the start of it *crosses fingers*) and I have no strength left to deal with my parents' emotional blackmail.I'm spending a lot of time in bed coughing and some time in front of the pc and I especially love the fact I don't have to speak (I bet I would have gotten over it much faster if I had stayed out of school but I had already done that twice last year when my voice went completely). The cough is getting better but it isn't gone. I might have give up on my goal to get to my parents in time for my niece's stay. Oh well.I wish YOU a peaceful and healthy Christmas (and happy New Year, should I forget).
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